How secure is your data?
If your answer to the above question is “I’m not sure”, you’ve got a problem. And here’s the thing about cyber security problems: you don’t realise exactly how big they are until you’re locked out of your network and have all your private information plastered across the dark web ready to be sold to the highest bidder. Hackers are a bit like pirates. They’re sailing the seven seas (the internet) hunting down treasure (data) to use for their own nefarious purposes (to sell or ransom for profit). They’re cunning, innovative and opportunistic.
All it takes is one small mistake and you could lose everything—passwords, private client information, financial records and even everyday access to your operation. It might sound as though we’re being dramatic—and maybe we are. But that’s only because it is nearly impossible (not to mention expensive) to truly recover what is lost in a cyber security breach. You can’t put a price on what it will cost your business. And sometimes, no matter how hard you try or what you spend, you just can’t get it back.